Downsizing to a smaller home is a bigger step than most people think. The benefits are also often overlooked. It’s more economical, easier to clean, and homier. Parents who become empty-nesters are big on downsizing. People also downsize due to divorce, lowered income, or because they have to move for various reasons. Thankfully, only 9% of people who downsize regret it. Whatever the case, downsizing will bring about drastic changes. Some are inherently good – like getting a fresh start. Others are not as great. Avoid downsizing challenges with these tips. 1. Establish the right mindset. You may want to find someone you trust who is a good listener to open up to about moving. The act of packing can draw a lot of memories that might be difficult to dwell on. Having to let go of certain items may also take a toll on you. However, you shouldn’t see it as a loss, nor should you feel too connected to things (family heirlooms are an exception). Instead of looking back with regret, focus on where you want to see yourself in the future and how the items you decide to keep will fit into that bright, new plan. The right mindset also means planning ahead. Make sure you hire a reliable moving company and schedule ahead of time so you’re not left with the headache of doing things on your own when you want to move. 2. Take pictures of your old home. Taking pictures of your old home is great for three things when it comes to downsizing. First, you get to look back at the space where memories were made and know that you will always have a piece of those items you eventually throw away. Second, pictures help you decide what items you absolutely want to keep that you were previously going to toss. If your eyes go quickly to certain items in a photograph, it probably means you shouldn’t let them go. Third, you can use the design and arrangements from your old home to get an idea of how to do the new one. Your new home will, of course, be different, but it will still be you. 3. Pare down items and only keep your favorites. Expand the idea of downsizing to all aspects of your new home. You probably do not need several spatulas in the kitchen, and the “good” grater likely does the job each time. Throw away the rest of each item. Similarly, it might not be the best idea to carry over entire collections. If you’ve received tons of wine over the years, feel free to keep your favorite bottles and sell off or give away the rest. 4. Examine your new home with care. This might be obvious, but it’s tempting to just pick up your favorite large pieces of furniture and pray that they will fit into a smaller home. Instead of doing that, be more precise. Get the measurements for each room of your new home and know beforehand what will and won’t fit. That way, you’ll avoid the headache of struggling to fit something in and possibly having to let it go last minute. 5. Discuss items of value with family. If you’ve lived in your home for a long time, chances are your relatives are attached to certain items of sentimental value. Their feelings will make it easier to decide what to keep and what to toss. 6. Keep, Toss, and Donate — and Start Early. Again, your family needs to be part of this process. You may want to go as far as having them go through their old high school memorabilia and decide what they want to hold on to. Each day, you can set apart some time (about 30 minutes) to clear out a small area of your home. You only need three boxes — labeled “keep,” “toss,” and “donate,” to get the ball rolling. Remember to keep your mind open to alternatives for certain items. You can digitize photos and scan receipts you may need. Be strict but forgiving when it comes to what you throw out. 7. Get Help From Friends Friends can help you both physically and by giving advice. That old attic that’s filled with junk is not a one-man job. Ask anyone if they’re willing to pitch in, keeping in mind any allergies and being mindful of heavy loads. Speaking to persons who have already downsized is a huge help. They can fill you in on what to expect and motivate you about the wonderful realities that come with a smaller space. If you’re not acquainted with anyone who has downsized, reach out to an experienced company for help. 8. Stop ordering and acquiring things. Now is the time to stop any impulsive shopping. Change the way you look at acquiring things. More items typically means more clutter. In a newly-downsized home (or any home), clutter is the last thing you want. A useful rule is to get rid of one thing every time you buy something new. This will keep your home clean and organized and will leave you with no regrets about downsizing. Conclusion The most important thing to consider when downsizing is the reduced space. While you might have grown into your clutter over the years, you will inevitably appreciate the clarity of a cleaner environment. Once you’ve properly prepared to downsize, everything else should be a breeze. After moving, make sure to celebrate in any way you can. Treat yourself, call a friend, or have family over. It’s time for a new journey.
5 Reasons Moving Is Good for Your Mind and Body
There are two drastically different sides to moving: being able to have a fresh start versus the hassle of learning a whole new habitat. Luckily, humans are easily able to adapt to the downsides, while there are many upsides to moving. Moving is no easy feat. To many, it’s downright scary. Yet it also brings with it many benefits for your mind and body. Once you realize that the challenges of moving can be overcome, you can focus on the many advantages. 1. You Learn More About Yourself Moving to a new place is like unlocking a new level of your potential. You’re forced to socialize in a new culture, find new hobbies, try different foods, and come up with ideas for unique situations you’ve never faced. In doing this, you learn more about yourself in previously unexplored ways. It might seem like you know yourself now, but see what a move can bring out of you and you would be surprised. Even the challenges from moving will show you your imperfects and give you an idea of areas you need to work on. How would you have reacted if your home had to be relocated due to an eroding coastline as the four families did this year? 2. You Leave the Worst of it Behind In moving, you probably know what exactly you DON’T want based on your prior location. You will also be more experienced in choosing the right moving company for a seamless transition. If you weren’t getting the help you need in terms of health, make sure you can in your new area. Moving allows you to leave behind certain people or situations which bring about stress. A breakup or divorce, a fallout with a friend, or recent unemployment may leave you overwhelmed. Your fresh start can help unload the weight of such challenges. 3. You Gain a Wider Perspective and Broader Network Based on how far away you’re going, your perspective can change significantly simply from moving. Even a small move will allow you to see outside your comfortable box. Experiencing certain issues firsthand, whether they be educational, religious, or economical, will positively impact your ability to see things in new ways. In gaining new perspectives, you’ll be talking to people you would never have spoken to if not for moving. New friends often mean beneficial connections and could be a stepping stone in your career. 4. You Learn to be More Grateful One of the most rewarding traits is having a sense of gratitude. Moving helps you achieve it in many ways. You learn to appreciate the people you now have to leave behind who won’t be around anymore. When packing, you probably won’t be able to take everything, so you’re more grateful for those items you can keep. When you finally move, you learn to be grateful for your former home and its lessons, and for your new abode. 5. You Become More Independent You might be moving somewhere that has no one to help you upon arrival. You’re forced to rely on yourself, and while that can be annoying, it forces you to be more independent, which is arguably always a good thing. It means you’ll develop bravery, and will be better able to handle tough situations in life. While you should still be willing to take help, you’ll probably learn what’s right for you on your new journey. Conclusion If you do your research properly, moving to a new place can indeed be everything it’s cracked up to be. Although there will always be unforeseen situations, they almost never override the positives of moving. (Choosing professional movers decreases the chance of any surprises). The benefits of moving on your mind and body should not be disregarded. Even the most luxurious home won’t be as enjoyable if you don’t appreciate the unseen aspects of a move Be aware of what you can’t see or touch when you make your next move.
7 Tips for Moving During the Summer
Moving in the summer has its good and bad, but the heat is what mainly stands out. There are also factors such as cost and scheduling. If you’re moving in the summer, make sure to be prepared with these tips. Like in many countries, in Canada, the number of moves increases drastically during the summer months. The peak time to move is in July. If you’re among those moving soon, here’s what you need to know. 1. Secure your Desired Day to Move Early On Summer moves are popular, so be sure to call and schedule your move with a trustworthy company way ahead of the actual day you plan to relocate. Also, speak to your landlord to make sure you don’t lose out with your lease. By staying ahead of things, you not only secure your spot, but you may also end up paying less since moving prices tend to increase during the summer due to high demand. 2. Keep Cold Water around to Stay Hydrated Be sure to put some liquids into the fridge so that, on the day of moving, you won’t find yourself getting dehydrated. Even if you’re not the only doing the heavy lifting, even a few minutes under the sun could leave you thirsty. Drinks should be kept nearby even if the weather is not that sunny. In general, moving is a physical task and everyone will want to stay hydrated throughout. Hold some bottles in a cooler if necessary. 3. Make Sure you’re Dressed Appropriately Summer weather calls for loose-fitting, breathable clothing. You want to go with light colors and choose what’s comfortable over what looks good. Linen and cotton are great options for moving. Ideally, you may want to wear clothing that you won’t mind will rip or stain. To top it off, you can stay cool with a hat, don a pair of sunglasses, and, of course, don’t forget the sunscreen! 4. Start the Move Early in the Day The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 11 am and 3 pm in Canada, so it works in your favor to start the move as early as possible. While you won’t be measuring temperatures (or maybe you will), you’ll certainly feel the effects of an extremely hot sun. After starting early, you can schedule a break when the sun’s heat peaks around noon. This will avoid falling prey to heat exhaustion. An early start also puts you in front of potential traffic. 5. Cool Down and Set Up your New Home Before moving, it’s wise to take steps in your new home to avoid an unwelcome heat bath. You may open the doors and windows, turn on fans, or switch the AC in a room to go sit in after moving. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure all your utilities have been turned on in your new spot. You may also consider keeping your car’s AC on for much-needed breaks throughout. 6. Keep Essential Items at Hand If you don’t like to keep your AC on in the car, considering carrying a portable fan to chill yourself during the move. Alternatively, you could keep a wet towel on your neck You’ll also want to hold onto any medication, a toothbrush and toothpaste, toilet paper, and sanitizers in case of any delays with the moving truck or otherwise. We do our best at Relocate Stress Free to bring you the most reliable, on-time service. 7. Look out for the Children and Animals While your kids and pets may be delighted to play outside under the summer sun, it’s best to keep them in the home while items are being packed. Inside, they’ll be away from the heat and less prone to wandering off. Furthermore, be wary of whether or not you’re moving to a new school district and get your child enrolled as soon as possible. Learn about community projects and activities they might want to take part in. Final Thoughts Summer moves might be the most convenient, but they also have the potential for the most discomfort. Remember to stay hydrated, plan ahead, and most of all, enjoy the summer skies as you make your fresh start.
10 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Bigger
Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, most of us are stuck at home — and many of us haven’t quite attained that lovely, spacious house we’ve been desiring for most of our lives. That means most of our time is being spent in cramped quarters. After a while, a small space can wear on one’s mind. Luckily, there are ways to make a little home feel bigger. Light or monochromatic paint colors. Dark colors are less reflective and tend to make space feel smaller. In contrast, whites, grays, yellows, and creams have the ability to bounce light off and make a room feel more open. Mirrors. Similarly, mirrors give the illusion of a larger room by reflecting other spaces and giving a sense of movement. Tall mirrors or those placed opposite a window do a great job achieving this, so take them everywhere you go. Natural lighting. Natural light gives your home a warm, cozy feel while at the same time creating a wide-open atmosphere. It’s most effective when there are no large pieces of furniture blocking the way. Plus, it’s free! Floor-to-ceiling shelves. At first, floor-to-ceiling shelving might seem like something that would clutter a room. However, large bookcases and other shelving actually make your ceiling look taller — and can help clear up your floors. Low furniture. In contrast to high shelves, you want to get furniture that is low. This creates more space above and tricks us into feeling airier. So go for short legs, ottomans, and keep the center area of rooms clear. Raised Legs. Alternatively, if you want a modern, minimalist look but still want a large space, then look for furniture on raised legs. Swap out that bulky leather couch for a mid-century style sofa that’s sleek and still comfortable. Large pieces of wall art. While you might be inclined to share the beauty of several paintings you love, it would be better to hang a single large one on a wall. Put it at eye level and leave lots of space above. This gives the illusion that a room is taller. Multi-functional furniture. Smart furniture or multi-functional pieces are useful to declutter and to keep you from needing too much storage. Tables and seats with hidden storage as well as over-the-door techniques will do the job here. Organizational techniques. Arrangements can be crucial to expanding your space. Keep furniture away from walls, face chairs towards windows, place furniture diagonally, and use light sources throughout a room to expand it. Clutter-free. Decluttering your home is the simplest way to give it more space. What you want to keep should be stored; Throw out broken or unused items or donate them if you’re able to at this time. You’ll instantly feel lighter and like you’re in a bigger home. As stay-at-home orders are extended, it can feel like our four walls are closing in on us, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Our safe haven should be safe in all ways, and that includes mentally. If you’re moving during quarantine, you’re one of the lucky ones to get a fresh environment. Just be sure to use a safety-focused company to get the job done. So make sure your house feels just how you want it to by using the tips above. If you can think of more ways to make your home feel bigger, be sure to leave a comment below.
How to pack pictures
Relocation can be a costly process requiring time for preparation. Even though packing some items can be straightforward, items such as large mirrors, piece of art and pictures can really bring about a difficult situation. In order to move breakables such as pictures, suitable moving boxes, bubble wrap, wrapping papers, sturdy packing tape and permanent markers will be needed. The easiest way to get these packing supplies is to make orders from moving companies. Boxes that are larger than the pictures should be used. The following is a simple guide to go about the process of packing pictures. Wrapping the pictures An enough large space should be cleared and bubble wrap and packing paper spread. The framed pictures are then positioned on top and then wrapped well as if wrapping a present. Taping the wrapped pictures Once through with wrapping the pictures, tape the object in full circles. Other people like to tape a large X over glass region to prevent the glass spillage into the box in case they break. After taping, the side of glass should then be marked for easier unpacking process. Stuff the packing box using crumpled paper The bottom of the packing box should then be stuffed using crumpled paper. Stuff wrapped picture into the paper firmly. If more than a single object is to be put in one box, cardboard dividers should be used. More paper should be put on the upper section of the packing box. The empty spaces should be filled with more crumpled paper to prevent the objects in the box from shaking during transportation. After putting the object in the box, close the parcel. Use packing tape unsparingly Tape the package all round unsparingly ensuring that no part can be loose. The package should be made very tight as well. Label the packing box Label the box according to its content, whether mirror or picture and the side the glass is facing. The word ‘Fragile’ should also be written so it is easily visible. The movers will be more attentive when handling the package. Following this guide should get all the pictures to the new home safely, contact Relocate Stress Free to assist with your packing and moving needs.
Should you take your appliances when you move?
When that refrigerator was first bought, you never thought you’d move one day. Or maybe it was bought to spruce up the house for a resale. Unfortunately, the fridge has become your most cherished appliance. Wouldn’t it be nice to carry it to your new house? Sure, but is that a practical, economical and smart decision? There are some downsides to taking your appliances with you. Here are some important reasons why the fridge among other appliances should NOT be taken on the next move. Moving is painful Most of the large appliances are usually cumbersome and also very awkward to move once installed. A professional may be needed to disassemble the appliance. Additionally, there’s a possibility of damaging the floor underneath it. The appliance could also be damaged during the move. It’s not worth it The whole cost of disassembling, loading it to the moving truck and transporting across the country can be really expensive. Even more expensive than buying a new one. It may not blend with the new home When purchasing an appliance, try to buy one that best fits the décor in style and color was selected. However, when moving to a new home, there’s probability that the appliance wouldn’t complement into the new space. The effort would be in vain if the appliance is brought along and doesn’t match the space. The appliance can devalue the new home When realtors are assessing the value of the new home, how new the appliances are can affect the house. If the appliances are old in a new house, well, anyone can guess the results. When negotiating the price of the house with new buyers later on in future, a homeowner can use their new appliances as bargaining chip. Switching the appliances after the prospective buyers have viewed and negotiated the price of the house is not going to be possible. So it’s better to do it when moving in.
Tips to organizing your kitchen
After a move, the kitchen is the first room to be organized simply because it’s where most of the things take place, including family gatherings and meal preparation. With this mind, the kitchen space needs to be organized, comfortable and functional. The process can be very difficult for smaller kitchens or larger ones but with smaller counter tops and few storage space. Here are quick tips from Relocate Stress Free to help organize a kitchen after moving into a new home. Note the major spots of the kitchen These areas include main counter, stove, sink and fridge. Assessing the list of item stock to identify things that will be needed most should follow. Such items include silverware, cutting knives, cutting boards, dish towels, dishes, pots and spices among others. These items should also be the first to unpack. All boxes collected in one area The packed boxes with kitchen items should have a ‘kitchen’ label on them. They should be placed in one area in the kitchen. It’s necessary to carry out this first so that when arranging items in the cupboard no movements will have to be made again. Unpack essential items first Items used on a daily basis should be unpacked and arranged closer to the working zone such as the sink. Cutlery is used daily, so it should be placed in drawer to the immediate right of sink, if right-handed. Cloths and dishtowels should then be placed in the immediate drawer to the lower side. Recipe books should then follow in the drawer after one with towels. Arrange items on shelves and cupboards Plates, glasses, cups and bowls will be used daily hence should be placed in cupboard or shelves at lower or eye level. Glasses are commonly used than plates hence should be placed in cupboard that’s closer to sink for easier use. Pans and pots closer to stove Theses together with their lids should be put closer to the stove. The drawer found below the stove may be used for items that are not needed for daily use including roasting pans, baking sheets and casserole dishes. Special occasion dishes should be kept in china cabinet, cupboards or buffet tables. Toxic substances in areas difficult to reach This is much better especially if young kids usually come to the kitchen. These can be kept high up in the cupboards. As for cleaning detergents and soaps, they can be placed in the drawer below the sinks. This guide should get any kitchen up and running within the first day in the new home. Welcome home!
How to pack a garage for moving
Basements, tool sheds and garage are some of the toughest areas to pack when moving. The process of packing the garage is time consuming and arduous hence taking much effort to complete before the moving date. The process can be frantic but seeking assistance from Relocate Stress Free if the task is too much to be completed alone is much better. Postponing it should however be the last thing to do. Here’s a simple guide that can be used in the process of packing the garage for a move. Sorting items before packing First of all, a lot of moving supplies and packing boxes are going to be needed. Some of the supplies needed include boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, packing paper, color markers and zip ties. Sorting should be done from one point and proceeded to the next once the entire garage is divided into sectors to be worked on. The items should be sorted into give away, keep and discard piles. Sorting out the items may not be completed in a single day hence should be started early enough, about 2 weeks before moving date, if possible. Deciding the fate of the items Most of the items in the garage are not worth carrying along to the new home. Some are dangerous and cannot be allowed in the moving truck while some are simply worthless and should be disposed of. Some items will be in good condition but not needed. These should be given away or donated. Packing the items for transportation Some items are oddly shaped and with sharp edges such as hand tools. The blades should therefore be protected well by wrapping each item in bubble wrap. The garden tools with long handles are better grouped together then tied tightly with zip ties or cord. Power tools will need to be disassembled and detachable parts separately wrapped but kept closer to its main body when moving. Gas or oil operated machinery such as lawn mowers should be emptied of fuel completely before being loaded in the moving truck. If not driving the car during moving day, an auto transportation company should be sought to transport it. Bicycles should be dismantled and packed in special boxes. If done at least for in short periods daily and longer periods during weekends for two weeks, packing the garage should not be overwhelming for anyone. If you require help on how to pack the garage for moving please contact Relocate Stress Free.
Welcoming New Neighbors
Its common practice to welcome new neighbors with housewarming gifts in Canada. It’s a nice way of showing them that their neighbors are thoughtful people. When moving trucks are seen moving into the neighborhood, it is a clear signal that new neighbors have just arrived to settle in that side of town. One may offer assistance in moving the moving boxes to the respective rooms. But what’s the better way of welcoming new neighbors than through gifts? Relocate Stress Free has compiled the following gift ideas for the new neighbors. Freshly baked goodies Everyone will appreciate freshly baked cakes, cupcakes and cookies. Welcoming new neighbors with baked goods is an old tradition and still cherished by many people. When baking brownies or cookies, the peanut butter or nuts may be skipped due to allergy issues. They should be kept simple just like the simple chocolate cookies. If using family recipe, it can be included in the gift and perhaps some ingredients as well so the new neighbor can bake their own goodies too. Easy to eat snacks A gift basket can also be created by including fancy looking and inexpensive crackers and other snacks. This is a good gift idea for new neighbors that are very busy and may not have had the opportunity to shop. Welcome mats and street number emblems It might not be possible to know the new neighbor’s interior décor preferences, however by looking the external surrounding it’s possible to know the exterior décor. This makes it easier to select the best welcome mat or simply a street number emblems. These gifts are more personal and give the new neighbors a sense of belonging to the new neighborhood. Cleaning items A broom is one the traditional gifts for new neighbors. This can be included in the green cleaning product basket. Some of the items to include are vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda. Housewarming package Some of the things to include in a house warming package are the events calendar of the town, important emergency phone numbers, map of the block with names and phone numbers of neighbors among others. Barbeque accessories and recipe books may also be included in the package. There are also other housewarming gifts which can be bought from gift stores, but the above five are fair enough to use in welcoming new neighbors after an arduous move.
What are the items most often forgotten during a move?
On the day of the move there are so many things to do. Relocate Stress Free will assist you to make sure you do not forget anything during your move. Additionally, these are some moving tips to help you for before your move and the day of your move. Before the Day of Your Move • Label all you boxes properly to help keep organization during the move. • Have a big box of big bags and keep them someplace handy. • Don’t pack all your cleaning supplies for the new house. Keep rags, towels, mops, and garbage cans and trash bags for the clean-up. • Don’t pack all your toilet paper. Ensure to keep a roll out for the old home and new home. • Remember to leave out some plates, cups, and paper towels for meals during the move. • Keep the coffee pot handy to bring to the new home! The Day of Your Big Move – items people forget • Clocks and small wall hangings. • Knick-knacks on window sills. • Items loaned to friends such as snow tires, power tools, and movies. • Items in crawlspaces – don’t forget the crawlspace! • Cellphones and computer charging cords. • Food in the fridge. Do a final check! • Toilet plunger. • Medicine in your medicine cabinets. • Items in your shred – lawn mower. • Outdoor decorative lights and solar-powered walkway lights. • The spare key outside. • The garage door opener from your car. In conclusion, the next time you move follow these tips and it will go as smoothly as possible. Relocate Stress Free is always here to make your move “stress free” in Calgary and surrounding areas. We offer decluttering services and downsizing services which are also beneficial when you are planning to move. More tips to follow.