Moving to a new home can be a stressful experience for anyone, but especially for children who may feel like they’re leaving behind their friends, school, and familiar surroundings. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, there are steps you can take to make the transition easier for your kids. In this guide, we’ll share tips for moving with kids that will help make the process smoother and less overwhelming for everyone involved. 1. Talk to Your Kids About the Move The first step in preparing your kids for a move is to talk to them about it. Children need time to process big changes, so give them plenty of notice before the move. Be honest about why you’re moving and explain what the new home will be like. If possible, take your kids to see the new home before the move so they can visualize their new surroundings. 2. Involve Your Kids in the Moving Process When it comes to moving with kids, involving them in the process can help them feel more in control and less anxious. Give them age-appropriate tasks to help with the move, such as packing up their toys or sorting through their clothes. You can also let them choose the color of their new room or help with decorating. 3. Keep a Routine Moving can be disruptive to a child’s routine, which can be stressful. To help your kids feel more comfortable during the transition, try to maintain their regular schedule as much as possible. Stick to their normal meal and bedtime routines, and try to keep up with extracurricular activities like sports or music lessons. 4. Explore Your New Community Before the move, do some research on your new community and find out what it has to offer. Look for parks, playgrounds, museums, and other kid-friendly activities that your family can enjoy. This will help your kids get excited about the move and give them something to look forward to. 5. Make the Move Fun Moving can be a long and tiring process, but it can also be an opportunity to create some fun family memories. Take breaks during the move to explore new places or try new foods. Play games or listen to music in the car during the drive to your new home. You can also plan a special outing or activity to celebrate your arrival in your new home. 6. Pack a Special Bag for Each Child To help your kids feel more comfortable during the move, pack a special bag for each child with their favorite toys, books, and other items. This will give them something familiar to hold onto during the move and help them feel more at ease in their new surroundings. 7. Set Up Your Kids’ Rooms First When you arrive at your new home, make setting up your kids’ rooms a priority. This will give them a sense of ownership over their new space and help them feel more settled in their new home. Let them choose where to put their toys and books, and help them decorate their new room. 8. Stay Positive Finally, it’s important to stay positive during the move. Kids pick up on their parent’s emotions, so try to maintain a positive attitude even if you’re feeling stressed. Encourage your kids to talk about their feelings and be patient as they adjust to their new surroundings. Moving with kids can be a challenging experience, but with the right preparation and attitude, it can also be an exciting adventure. By involving your kids in the moving process, maintaining a routine, and staying positive, you can help make the transition easier for everyone involved.
Furry Friends and Moving: How to Relocate with Pets
Moving can be a stressful time for anyone, including our furry friends. Whether you have a dog, cat, or any other type of pet, it’s important to take their needs into consideration when planning a move. Here are some tips for how to relocate with pets and make the process as smooth as possible. 1. Update your pet’s identification and records Before you move, make sure your pet is up-to-date on all their vaccinations and has an identification tag with your current contact information. You should also have a copy of their veterinary records on hand, in case you need to visit a new vet in your new location. 2. Prepare your pet for the move If your pet is not used to traveling in a car or carrier, it’s important to help them get comfortable with it before the move. Start by taking short car trips with your pet or leaving the carrier out with treats and toys inside, so they can get used to it. 3. Make a travel plan If you’re traveling a long distance with your pet, plan your route ahead of time and make sure you have all the supplies your pet will need, such as food, water, and medication. You should also plan for rest stops along the way, so your pet can stretch their legs and use the bathroom. 4. Keep your pet safe and comfortable during the move During the move, keep your pet in a safe, quiet space away from all the commotion. This could be a room in your current home or a carrier in the car. Make sure your pet has access to food, water, and any necessary medications. 5. Settle your pet into their new home Once you’ve arrived at your new home, it’s important to help your pet adjust to their new surroundings. Set up a familiar bed, toys, and food and water bowls in a quiet, secure area. Spend time with your pet and offer lots of love and attention to help them feel comfortable and secure. 6. Explore your new neighborhood with your pet Once your pet has settled in, take them for a walk around your new neighborhood to help them get familiar with their new surroundings. This will also help them get some exercise and relieve any stress they may be feeling. Relocating with pets can be challenging, but with some preparation and patience, it can be a smooth process for everyone involved. Remember to take your pet’s needs into consideration throughout the move and make their comfort and safety a top priority. With some love and attention, your pet will feel right at home in no time.
4 Tips for Successful Relocation
If you’ve been thinking about moving, we’re here to say: go for it! Moving is one of the best ways to start fresh, and if you’re looking for a new place, there are so many great places to choose from. Moving takes courage and commitment, but it can also be one of the most rewarding things you’ve ever done. You’ll be able to see new things and meet new people, and if you’re relocating for work or school, you’ll have an opportunity to learn new skills and grow in your field. But before you start packing up your life in boxes, let’s talk about what makes a successful relocation.Whether you’re moving across town or state lines, there are some important things to consider when moving.
Understanding These Common Myths About Storage
There are a ton of myths floating around about storage and it’s time to set the record straight here at Relocate Stress Free.
Tips to Store Fragile and Dangerous Items
Our Top 5 Tips For Selling Your Home When You Have Pets
It’s true that many people love pets, however, your furry family members are a large part of the process of selling your home. Remember to consider how they fit into the equation and how evidence of their presence can affect potential home buyers and the sale of your property. Here are 5 things to consider when you are prepping your pet friendly home for sale.
10 Tips For Decluttering Your Home, Simply
Decluttering is something we all dread, however, it is a necessary part of living comfortably. If you stay on top of the decluttering process it will be easier to get ready to sell your home, should you ever need to.
24 Tips For a Smooth Move
Having been in the moving industry for as long as I have, there aren’t very many moving tricks that I haven’t heard about, both successful and disastrous. So I have taken the time to compile what I believe are some of the best tips to ensure your move is as stress-free as possible! Do it a little bit at a time. Don’t procrastinate on this job because it’s a big one, and you won’t be able to find the time to finish everything that needs to get done if you leave it until the last minute. Declutter before you move! I can’t stress this one enough. You do NOT want to move items that you don’t need. It creates more work, costs more money and utilizes more valuable time. One of the best ways to declutter your space is to put everything into four categories. Pack Now – Prioritize what needs to be packed first. Pack Later – Decide what needs to be packed last. Donate – anything that is no longer of use to you, but may be valuable to someone else. And Throw Away – anything that is broken or has no value to you or others. If you are moving last minute, then your best bet is to have a packing day. The more people willing to help you, the better! Create a moving checklist – In your list, make sure to include all the rooms in your home. Then you can create a row that specifies the following categories: Which colour will be for which room, who is in charge of packing that room, a box to check when that room has been completely packed, and then space for any additional notes. You will want to make sure you pick up good quality moving boxes and have multiple sizes for packing all different sized items. Try to use extra space like suitcases and large totes that may be currently empty to lower your costs and the space needed for moving. Make sure to have lots of storage bags on hand. All variety of sizes you will find come in handy for different things. You can place all those little odds and ends in there, so they don’t get lost. If you choose to colour code the rooms, it works well to place a label outside the room right before entering and then another on the wall inside. It doesn’t have to be fancy; just a big coloured dot on a piece of paper with the room name will do. These colour guides will help your movers know exactly where things need to go. If you have people helping you pack or move, make sure that you have coordinated food and drinks for them. You can make something like finger sandwiches, fruit and veggie trays ahead of time or make it easy and order some pizza. You will want to create a “moving station.” A moving station is a place where all packing essentials are kept. Then anyone can access packing materials as needed, such as boxes, tape, scissors, sharpies, etc. It is crucial to delegate one person to be in charge of managing the packing process. This person will be in charge of the master checklist you initially created with all the rooms. They will also be the go-to person for answering any questions related to packing. If you have more than one person giving directions, then you may have a disaster. Once a box has been packed, it is crucial to make sure that it is labelled appropriately with the right colour of tape or sticker for the designated room, so there is no confusion for the movers. Always write down the contents of each box in great detail; you can do this in a couple of different places: Write the details on the box if that works best, or You can number your boxes. ei. Kitchen could be 100s: So you would label your boxes #100, #101, #102, etc. Living Room 200s: #200, #201, #202, etc. Then on the master sheet, list the boxes contents under the number. The more details, the better. Sometimes we need something sooner than we think when we move, and it may still be packed away. Unpacking 15 boxes trying to find one item is not fun. You will find it much easier to assemble all the boxes at once, rather than only assembling one at a time as you need them. You can either do this before packing day or delegate someone to do it at the beginning of the day. It is easier to pick the appropriate size of box for the items you are packing. It will save you a lot of time in the long run. Use pillows, blankets and towels as an inexpensive way to help provide padding to breakables, valuables and electronics. If you are struggling to find a place for your long-handled equipment (brooms, mops, rakes, etc.), you may be able to utilize your garbage can to move them. Often furniture will need to be taken apart entirely or partially when moving. For any furniture that does get taken apart, place all small parts (nuts, bolts, screws, Allen key, etc.) in a plastic baggy to keep them together; you can either: Tape the bag directly to the furniture so that everyone knows where it goes. Or if that won’t work, You can label each bag with details of what piece of furniture it belongs with and create a general hardware box. If you choose this option, don’t lose that box! Label cords, remotes and other essentials with tape & sharpies and put all of them together in one bucket. Don’t leave loose cords anywhere. This box can go with the hardware box, but remember both are very important boxes, don’t lose them! Once you have finished packing the box and it get’s a label, it is important to move it to the side so that it is out of the way
Tips For a Stress-Free Move With Your Pets
Moving can be incredibly stressful for us as humans, so I can’t even begin to imagine how scary it can be for our pets. Especially since they have no sense of control over what is happening. It is essential not to forget about your pets and the stress that they may be feeling. Hopefully, these tips will provide your pet with an easier transition to their new home and help you both settle in quicker! The following tips will prove that a stress-free move with your pets is possible! Make Sure Your Soon-to-be Home Meets Your Pets’ Needs Before purchasing a new home, make sure you have considered the needs of your pets. If you have feline friends or smaller-sized dogs, you may be able to get away with a smaller square footage home and smaller backyard. Although, you may want to make sure there is vertical room for cats that love climbing. If you have a large dog, you will want to consider a home with enough space and a large backyard for them to run and play. When a large backyard is not possible, make sure you buy a home that is easily accessible to take your dog for consistent walks or that your new home is near a dog park. If you bring a canine friend to your new home, it may be a good idea to take them on a walk around the neighborhood and get them familiar with the outdoor space and smells. Talk to Your Pet’s Veterinarian If your move is taking you away from your current Veterinarian, and you will need to find a new one, you should reach out and let them know. They will advise you of what you will need to do to transfer your pet’s medical records. It would be valuable to ask for your pet’s vaccination record if you don’t currently have it to ensure they don’t miss their vaccinations. You will also need to do some research to find a new Veterinarian for your pet once you have moved. You can ask your current Vet if they have any recommendations of a great Veterinarian in the area around your new home. The Packing Process Much like humans, many pets don’t like change. You will want to help ease the adjustment right away by trying to keep their stress levels low. Try to keep their daily routine as normal as possible during the moving process. If possible, pack the room that your animal frequents the most last. If you are looking for storage solutions in the process of moving, make sure to head over to our friends at Crate It Storage and check out all their fantastic storage options. On moving day, you will want to keep your pets in a quiet room with the door shut. Consider packing an easily accessible bag for your pet. A backpack with enough essentials for a few days includes food, toys, treats, kitty litter, blanket, etc. This bag will come in especially handy if your pet does need to hang out somewhere else during the moving process. On The Road Do be careful when transporting your pet to your new home because if they do happen to get scared and escape their kennel or leash, they could get lost quite quickly with all the new-to-them scenery and smells. Even the most docile or well-trained dogs can respond differently under stress or to new environments, so it is best not to assume their reactions for their safety. If your animal has not spent much time in a kennel or on a leash, it may be good to get your animal used to it before the move. You can do this in a few different ways: Place the kennel in their most-frequented space as soon as possible with the door open so that they have full access to observe it. Try placing their food inside the open crate. Once your animal is comfortable eating with the door open, then try closing the door and letting them eat with the door closed. You can try carrying them around the house in the kennel for a few minutes at a time. Always end any time in their kennel positively by rewarding them with treats or playtime. Pet-Proof Your New Home Before bringing your pet into your new home, it is a good idea to make sure you pet-proof your home. Make sure there have been no poisonous pest-control traps that have been left anywhere in the home. Especially if the home was vacant before you move in. Remove any toxic houseplants that could be harmful or potentially fatal to your animals. Check that all windows have secure screens, You may want to ensure that you place screen protectors on any screens that extend to ground level if you have an animal that may jump up and ruin it. Tuck away electrical cords if you have animals that like to chew or may get tangled in them. Block off any small spaces or nooks that your pet could get trapped. Home Sweet Home Upon arrival at your new home, it may seem easiest to let your cat or dog loose to explore the house. However, remember this is a new space, and it may be scary or intimidating for them. To try and alleviate that stress, you should let them adjust to one room at a time. The first room you let them explore should have their food and water dish, bed, toys, and treats. This space will be their main comfort space, and as their comfort level grows, you can gradually introduce them to other rooms as you see fit. Moving can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be! Most importantly, be patient and provide reassurance by showing them lots of love and giving them extra attention through this time of change. With these tips your move with your pets can be as stress-free as your moving experience with Relocate Stress-Free Inc.!
6 Reasons to Move During the Spring
It’s finally here. Springtime! It’s officially the season of all things new, and what better way for new beginnings than with a big move? Calgary is seeing a growth in the older population in recent times. Are you among them? Where are you heading for your next move? Equally important is when are you relocating? For many, summertime is the ideal time to move. In reality, though, there are many benefits to moving during the spring. In fact, we highly recommend it for these reasons: 1. The Weather is Better People often forget about the debilitating summer heat when they opt to move during the summer months. As for the snow, injuries are possible even when you take strong precautions due to the ice. While the spring season comes with its own challenges, a quick look at the weather report should give you a fair warning to avoid surprise showers. Other than that, you’ll be avoiding heat exhaustion and frozen fingers. 2. The Cost of Moving is Low Because so many have scheduled their moving days for the summer, more moving companies are available to cater to you. According to economics, the higher the supply and the lower the demand, the lesser the price. By moving during the spring, you’re saving yourself a heap of money. Of course, it’s still recommended to give movers notice ahead of time — even if they’re not too busy. 3. The Kids Are Out of School Spring break is around the corner. Whether your kids go to school in-person or virtually, they now have more time to help you with moving. They can clean, pack and prepare for the big move without worrying about their studies. 4. You’ll Have a More Relaxed Summer All moves require work. And who wants to work during the summer? By moving during the spring, you’ll be way ahead when it comes to unpacking your items before the holiday season. You can go all-in for your summer vacation and not feel weighed down by the thought of a move. That’s done with! Spend your first summer in your new home with a carefree state of mind. 5. It Will Encourage You to Do Spring Cleaning Spring cleaning can be a pain. But if you move during the spring, you now have the motivation to get it out of the way. Well, you kind of have to if you intend to sell your home at a decent price. A good home cleanup will also leave you with more money in two ways: The movers will have less to carry, assuming they charge for weight. You can do a garage sale for things you no longer want or need. 6. Spring is the Ideal Time to Sell Your Home Since most people are bent on moving during summer, they need to have a new home to go to. During spring, there are a lot of home buyers looking to find their new beginning, too! The housing market is not like most. When the demand for houses is high, the costs go up — not down! Additionally, you get a wider pick of who you’re going to leave your old home to. Statistics show that this year is especially promising for house selling, with a record 2% increase in sales from December to January following consistent growth in sales over the past few months. Remember This When Moving During Spring There’s no way around it. Spring is a great time to move. But before you do that, remember that spring is allergy season. Keep these tips in mind: Check the pollen count in the air around your moving day. Avoid moving on windy days or take allergy pills if you do. Seal moving boxes well. Take eye drops to thwart pollen discomfort. The Relocate Stress Free team is all set to make your spring move as easy as possible. Give us a call or contact us today to get ready for your new beginning!