Most of us don’t want to spend our time thinking of our inevitable death, admittedly it can seem a little morbid. However, not preparing for the future can leave your family unprepared and unprotected in the event of your passing. Having a will is arguably one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and your family. A Last Will and Testament can be as simple or complex as you choose to make it. It is simply an instruction guide that outlines how you want your estate to be distributed, makes key points and expresses any final wishes. It will give you much-needed peace of mind that you, your spouse, children, relatives, etc. will all be legally protected. If you die without preparing a Last Will and Testament, your estate may not be distributed in the way you wanted, there may be unnecessary family feuds over financials, custody, assets, the burial process, etc. If this is not reason enough to get a will in place, then keep reading through our list of reasons why a Last Will & Testament is Necessary. #1. Have Full Control over the distribution of your estate. As explained above, a Will is a legal document that outlines your wishes regarding your estate in the event of your death. This may include things like money, houses, stocks, pensions, jewelry, etc. You will determine in your Last Will and Testament, how you want all of your assets distributed in the event of your death. For example; A family heirloom that you may want to pass on to a specific individual, you need to make clear intentions in the Will in order to minimize any disagreements that may arise. This applies to the entirety of your estate because if there is no Will in place for survivors to act on then it could result in unnecessary arguments, expensive legal action and failure for your wishes to be followed. #2. You Can Name the Person Responsible For Managing Your Estate. In the event of your death, your Executioner of the Will is the person that becomes responsible for carrying out your requests in the Will. They are the person that makes sure all of your affairs are in order and taken care of after your death. They become responsible for paying bills, cancelling credit cards, notifying the bank and government of your death and distributing all assets. This can be a large and overwhelming task for even the most prepared individuals. Therefore, it is important that you select this person carefully. Executors can be family members, but they don’t have to be. The person you choose for this large task needs to be someone most importantly that is honest, trustworthy, and organized. #3. You Decide Your Children’s Guardian. If you do not have an up-to-date Will that appoints the Guardianship of your children, the courts will be forced to take it upon themselves to choose a family member(s) or appointed guardian to take care of any minor children. The cost and time required to create (or keep up-to-date) a Will is nothing compared to the peace of mind that you will have, knowing your child is in the care of someone you choose and obviously trust. By ensuring you have a will in place, you can make sure you choose who raises your child in the event of your death, not the courts. Support is incredible, raising a child with a village is imperative. But, while having more than one person willing to take on the responsibility of your child is fortunate; it can sometimes be worse and cause major family rifts and arguments. Family tensions can rise steadily under normal circumstances, but under the stress of a tragedy and the loss of a loved one, it can become far worse. By doing due diligence, you can protect all survivors to the best of your ability. #4. Minimize your Estate Taxes Having a Will does not always mean that you will pay fewer taxes but it does allow you the opportunity to be prepared. You can foresee and plan what tax deductions might be made. In Canada, your estate will be taxed as a whole before any distributions are made. However, the value of assets you give to family or charity will be deducted from the value of your estate. So giving generously can drastically reduce your estate value and in turn the taxes. #5. You Can Choose to Disinherit People You can choose who inherits each portion of your estate, but you can also choose to disinherit people in your will. This is a legally binding way to ensure that people that may have stood to inherit your estate if you die, can not have access to any of it. Without a will, your estate could end up in the hands of an ex-spouse or estranged relative. This is especially important in the cases of separation without a formal separation agreement. Times have thankfully changed; creating a Will used to be a costly endeavor, so there were many people who chose to only do it as they grew older, leaving many people unprepared in the event of accidental death. Preparing a Last Will and Testament is about smart financial planning. You can create a Will now, and update it throughout your life as circumstances change at an affordable price. At Relocate Stress Free Inc, we would love to assist you with planning and helping you protect yourself and your family.
7 Tips for Moving During the Summer
Moving in the summer has its good and bad, but the heat is what mainly stands out. There are also factors such as cost and scheduling. If you’re moving in the summer, make sure to be prepared with these tips. Like in many countries, in Canada, the number of moves increases drastically during the summer months. The peak time to move is in July. If you’re among those moving soon, here’s what you need to know. 1. Secure your Desired Day to Move Early On Summer moves are popular, so be sure to call and schedule your move with a trustworthy company way ahead of the actual day you plan to relocate. Also, speak to your landlord to make sure you don’t lose out with your lease. By staying ahead of things, you not only secure your spot, but you may also end up paying less since moving prices tend to increase during the summer due to high demand. 2. Keep Cold Water around to Stay Hydrated Be sure to put some liquids into the fridge so that, on the day of moving, you won’t find yourself getting dehydrated. Even if you’re not the only doing the heavy lifting, even a few minutes under the sun could leave you thirsty. Drinks should be kept nearby even if the weather is not that sunny. In general, moving is a physical task and everyone will want to stay hydrated throughout. Hold some bottles in a cooler if necessary. 3. Make Sure you’re Dressed Appropriately Summer weather calls for loose-fitting, breathable clothing. You want to go with light colors and choose what’s comfortable over what looks good. Linen and cotton are great options for moving. Ideally, you may want to wear clothing that you won’t mind will rip or stain. To top it off, you can stay cool with a hat, don a pair of sunglasses, and, of course, don’t forget the sunscreen! 4. Start the Move Early in the Day The sun’s UV rays are strongest between 11 am and 3 pm in Canada, so it works in your favor to start the move as early as possible. While you won’t be measuring temperatures (or maybe you will), you’ll certainly feel the effects of an extremely hot sun. After starting early, you can schedule a break when the sun’s heat peaks around noon. This will avoid falling prey to heat exhaustion. An early start also puts you in front of potential traffic. 5. Cool Down and Set Up your New Home Before moving, it’s wise to take steps in your new home to avoid an unwelcome heat bath. You may open the doors and windows, turn on fans, or switch the AC in a room to go sit in after moving. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure all your utilities have been turned on in your new spot. You may also consider keeping your car’s AC on for much-needed breaks throughout. 6. Keep Essential Items at Hand If you don’t like to keep your AC on in the car, considering carrying a portable fan to chill yourself during the move. Alternatively, you could keep a wet towel on your neck You’ll also want to hold onto any medication, a toothbrush and toothpaste, toilet paper, and sanitizers in case of any delays with the moving truck or otherwise. We do our best at Relocate Stress Free to bring you the most reliable, on-time service. 7. Look out for the Children and Animals While your kids and pets may be delighted to play outside under the summer sun, it’s best to keep them in the home while items are being packed. Inside, they’ll be away from the heat and less prone to wandering off. Furthermore, be wary of whether or not you’re moving to a new school district and get your child enrolled as soon as possible. Learn about community projects and activities they might want to take part in. Final Thoughts Summer moves might be the most convenient, but they also have the potential for the most discomfort. Remember to stay hydrated, plan ahead, and most of all, enjoy the summer skies as you make your fresh start.
Ten Tips For a Successful Estate Sale
Estate sales can be a great way to get rid of the clutter in your home and make some extra money all at once. While there are some definite positives, there can also be some hiccups. Estate sales can be tricky to plan, and it’s hard to know what will make them a success. Here are some tips to help you have a successful sale. Do Your Research You don’t want to price an item too low based on an instinct to then find out later it was worth substantially more. When you’re still in the planning phases, research items that you aren’t familiar with to see what similar ones are selling for. Places like Facebook marketplace, Kijiji, and eBay are good places to start. Clearly Mark Your Prices Bargaining is a normal part of estate sales. By having your prices clearly marked, it makes it easy for customers to see what you’re asking and make you a reasonable offer or begin negotiations. Clear prices make shopping easy for customers, and the easier it is the more you’ll sell. Make Sure You Have Enough Hands on Deck It’s not enough to just have one person available to collect money from buyers. You should ask for help from family and friends and have them dispersed throughout different parts of the home so they are easily accessible to shoppers. Setup a Place for Purchases You’ll need to set up a central place to receive payments. Make sure you have a table big enough so shoppers can set down their items, and handle their payments easily. Convenience is key. Get a Cash Box with Change A float is a necessity when holding an estate sale. You’ll need to be able to break bills and make change for customers. There is no way you want your customers to have to leave to get exact change somewhere else! Be Prepared for Crowds Many people who shop estate sales, do so first thing in the morning before items get picked over. It’s not uncommon for these sales to happen as early as 7 am so be prepared by prepping your home the night before and have everything set and ready to go. It makes for a long day but a successful one for sure. Keep your Pets Contained We all love our pets, but an estate sale may not be the perfect place for them. Check if your furry friends can go to a friend or family members house for the day to ensure your day isn’t spent chasing your dog or cat who got out or trying to quiet them down every time the doorbell rings. Advertise This is one of the most important points. How is anyone going to know you’re having an estate sale if you don’t advertise? Use your local newspaper, put flyers around town, post in local Facebook groups, put posters up on community bulletin boards, add your event to Kijiji and more. As your friends and family to share your event on social media for even further reach. Use Signs for Directions Many people stop by estate sales because they see signs while they are out and about. Place signs on major roadways and guide customers to your front door with clear, legible signs that are easy to read in a passing vehicle. Keep it simple-just add directional arrows and your address! Hire a Pro There are companies that focus on helping people set up for estate sales. Because this is such a big job you’ll need all hands on deck to be prepared. Relocate Stress Free makes preparing for an estate sale a breeze. Our friendly, and knowledgeable staff are able to jump in and give you a hand to ensure the day of your sale goes smoothly. With the spring weather finally here, now is the perfect time to prepare for an estate sale!
Why you need a will and executor?
Most people postpone writing their will. This is probably because it’s a reminder of their mortality. Leaving a will behind is same as leaving a gift to loved ones. A will makes estate management clearer, easier and without disagreements. If the deceased never had a will, their property will be divided according to the laws of the province the deceased resided. Nobody wants that to happen. So even if not yet married, a will is a necessity. In a will, the deceased mentions the executor, who can be an estate lawyer. The Canadian Bar Association states that the executor is responsible for gathering estate assets, paying the deceased’s debts and dividing the estate. Everyone needs a will. Without a will, it won’t be known who should receive the deceased’s property. When a will is not left behind, there’s a default plan based on the deceased’s marital status, with children, siblings or parents. Even if there are no relatives, nothing is allowed to go to charity, friends or non-related persons. What’s the Process? If the deceased leaves a will behind, the executor will firstly present it to local council to ask for authorization to administer the estate. This is referred to as probate process. Secondly, the executor administers the estate, determines beneficiaries, creditors and others entitled to the property. Thirdly, the executor makes appropriate distributions, files taxes and closes the estate within the stated time frame. Relocate Stress Free can assist executors with decluttering the estate home and other personal items. Should my Friend or Relative be my Executor? Choosing an executor is especially important when one has investments or properties. A friend or relative may not be a good option as an executor, as this could cause problems. Corporate executors are more experienced in estate administration, have legal expertise and the technical knowledge to handle almost any arising situation.
How to deal with a loved one’s estate
The losing a loved one presents tough times for families. When the deceased leaves a will behind, the executor has the responsibility of administering the will once legal authorization is obtained. Dealing with loved one’s estate is not an easy process especially if it is an individual executor rather than corporate executors. There’s definitely a lot more to be dealt with especially if the deceased left a significant amount of property behind. The oncoming weeks and months following the loss of a loved one is usually much more overwhelming. With so many things to be done both financially and legally, the executor may wonder where to start and what exactly is entailed in closing the loved one’s estate. In such hard times, seeking assistance of estate services from Relocate Stress Free can illuminate a path on how to proceed. They can offer guidance through the whole process from beginning till the closing of the estate. They will offer advice to make the process much easier and successful. Determining duties of executor and trustee As the will executor or trustee, Relocate Stress Free will offer assistance in knowing the duties to be taken. They will know how to achieve the duties in a manner that involves less headaches and delays. Those to be notified After the loss of a loved, there are institutions and people to be notified and the documentations to be done. Professionals can offer guidance through the notification process. Dealing with creditors and debtors Through professional assistance, it becomes easier to settle the debts and reach agreement with creditors. The probate process Individual executors may not know how much probate costs. They will also not know how it is filed, and which properties are subject to the process. Professionals can help with the process so individual executors don’t have to worry about the legality involved. Decluttering Those left behind after loss of a loved one may still be in grief hence making decisions on the decluttering process can be difficult. Decluttering services offered by Relocate Stress Free can make the process much easier. Dealing with the loved one’s estate can be much easier with professional help. Anyone can be chosen as the executor of a will, and when it happens, one may seek assistance on the right way to execute the will without disagreements.
Do you need help handling an Estate? Relocate Stress Free is here to help.
When the unimaginable has happened and a family member or friend has passed, there are many steps in handling their estate. Estates may seem overwhelming but we are here to help you every step of the way. Do you know how to you handle their belongings? Relocate Stress Free assists many families and executors in dealing with these situations. We assign a designated coordinator to handle all of your needs whether it is a small or large estate. The first step is we will meet with you and discuss all your options and the process of sorting the estate belongings. We understand this time is difficult for you and we are there for the entire process from beginning to end. Next our professional crew will assist in packing and sorting the items of the estate. In the sorting process the crew will help you decide where the belongings need to be distributed, whether they need are packed and given to a loved one or sent to an auction or a charity (of your choice or we will assist you with options). Our crew at Relocate Stress Free are experts in sorting, organizing and providing the best value for the dispersal of years of accumulation in the home. After packing, sorting and distributing estate items, our crew will assist in preparing the estate home for sale. Relocate Stress Free will ensure the house is cleaned thoroughly and is prepared for the sale. Relocate Stress Free understands that this can be a difficult and stressful time for clients. As a result, no one should have to do it alone. We will ensure that we handle every situation with complete discretion and in a professional manner. We handle estate services with individual clients, lawyer firms and banking institutions. If you require our services we would be happy to sit down with you to discuss your options.