Estate sales can be a great way to get rid of the clutter in your home and make some extra money all at once. While there are some definite positives, there can also be some hiccups. Estate sales can be tricky to plan, and it’s hard to know what will make them a success. Here are some tips to help you have a successful sale.
Do Your Research
You don’t want to price an item too low based on an instinct to then find out later it was worth substantially more. When you’re still in the planning phases, research items that you aren’t familiar with to see what similar ones are selling for. Places like Facebook marketplace, Kijiji, and eBay are good places to start.
Clearly Mark Your Prices
Bargaining is a normal part of estate sales. By having your prices clearly marked, it makes it easy for customers to see what you’re asking and make you a reasonable offer or begin negotiations. Clear prices make shopping easy for customers, and the easier it is the more you’ll sell.
Make Sure You Have Enough Hands on Deck
It’s not enough to just have one person available to collect money from buyers. You should ask for help from family and friends and have them dispersed throughout different parts of the home so they are easily accessible to shoppers.
Setup a Place for Purchases
You’ll need to set up a central place to receive payments. Make sure you have a table big enough so shoppers can set down their items, and handle their payments easily. Convenience is key.
Get a Cash Box with Change
A float is a necessity when holding an estate sale. You’ll need to be able to break bills and make change for customers. There is no way you want your customers to have to leave to get exact change somewhere else!
Be Prepared for Crowds
Many people who shop estate sales, do so first thing in the morning before items get picked over. It’s not uncommon for these sales to happen as early as 7 am so be prepared by prepping your home the night before and have everything set and ready to go. It makes for a long day but a successful one for sure.
Keep your Pets Contained
We all love our pets, but an estate sale may not be the perfect place for them. Check if your furry friends can go to a friend or family members house for the day to ensure your day isn’t spent chasing your dog or cat who got out or trying to quiet them down every time the doorbell rings.
This is one of the most important points. How is anyone going to know you’re having an estate sale if you don’t advertise? Use your local newspaper, put flyers around town, post in local Facebook groups, put posters up on community bulletin boards, add your event to Kijiji and more. As your friends and family to share your event on social media for even further reach.
Use Signs for Directions
Many people stop by estate sales because they see signs while they are out and about. Place signs on major roadways and guide customers to your front door with clear, legible signs that are easy to read in a passing vehicle. Keep it simple-just add directional arrows and your address!
Hire a Pro
There are companies that focus on helping people set up for estate sales. Because this is such a big job you’ll need all hands on deck to be prepared. Relocate Stress Free makes preparing for an estate sale a breeze. Our friendly, and knowledgeable staff are able to jump in and give you a hand to ensure the day of your sale goes smoothly.
With the spring weather finally here, now is the perfect time to prepare for an estate sale!