Sooner, most families are faced with the moving prospect. As disruptive as the process can be, the experience can be even traumatic for children who might not also understand it. Kids may need special attention at that moment. Before finding hiring a moving company to undertake the process, it’s good to prepare kids for the moving process. These tips can make moving with kids less stressful. Making the moving decision The move can be as a result of financial matters or job transfer. Even if a parent is not happy about moving, their attitude and mood can adversely affect the kids. Therefore, it’s good to stay positive no matter the cause of moving. Discussing with the kids Regardless of the circumstances, the best way to prepare the children for moving is talking to them about it. Involving the kids in the moving process makes them feel better and as major participants of the family’s affairs. Preschoolers and toddlers These kids are the easiest to handle because they have a little understanding about the changes. Guidance is however still necessary. When packing their toys in moving boxes, they should be assured that the toys are not being disposed of. If the new home is nearby, they can be taken there to see so as to get a clearer picture of what’s happening. School aged kids Elementary school kids are relatively positive about a move, but they also need to be guided through the transition. More information should be gathered as much as possible so as to process transfer to another school. That may include recent report cards and transcripts, medical records and birth certificates. Teens These are most likely to object a move since they have probably invested much energy in building friendships, relationships and social groups. It’s therefore important to give them the news and hear their thoughts much earlier. If they tend to object, it is legitimate enough to suggest that the movement is in preparation for future changes such as new job or their college studies. Contact Relocate Stress Free to assist with your move.