The Effects of Decluttering on Your Brain
Simple Tips to Clear Office Clutter
4 Tips for Organizing Your Home
Have you heard the saying, “a place for everything and everything in its place”? What a GREAT rule of thumb to live by when focusing on organization in your home. If you are like so many others, you walk in the door and drop your keys wherever you stop first. Fast forward, it’s now time to leave and you can’t find your keys and everyone is getting a little comedy show with breakfast watching you run around in a tizzy looking for them. This is avoided by following that rule, and maybe a key rack or basket by the front door! Check out these 4 tips for some of the best ways to keeping your home neat and organized! Declutter The first step to organizing a cluttered house is, in fact, decluttering. Learning how to get rid of stuff is a necessary first step. Because if you don’t, you will just end up shuffling clutter from one room to the next, trying to find somewhere to make it all fit. Clutter is probably the biggest reason for disorganization. A few great ways to remove clutter could be recycle things, have a garage sale and donate reusable items. Clean Out Your Closet Every Season By removing summer clothes for winter months you free up a ton of space. It will allow you to easily access the clothing for the current season and also leave you space for any new purchases. Any empty looking closest is about the best reason to justify a shopping trip. That’s a win, win! Pro tip- that garage sale money you just made from decluttering could go towards funding your shipping trip to fill your freshly emptied closet! Labels and Baskets Are Your Friend Grouping like items in baskets keeps them organized and easily accessible. Baskets are your friend here. They are so versatile. You can mix and match sizes to meet your needs. You can also label them or colour coordinate them. They can be used in vanity drawers, dresser drawers, pantry shelves, even the play room. Labelling the baskets makes finding things much easier and a lot more efficient. For children who can not read labels colour coordination may be an easy way for them to tidy their toys and keep organized. Pro tip- check out your local dollar store for a selection of baskets. They usually have tons of options. Put It Away. Right Away. You have worked so hard to declutter and give everything a home. Now comes the hard part, you have to keep it that way. It may seem like an easy idea, but the most simple way to keep things organized is to put your things away in their place immediately after using them. It can be as simple as hanging up your coat after you wear it. The more little things you can do throughout the day, the less likely you are to create clutter in the first place. A little bit each day will keep your home organized and ultimately you feeling more relaxed.
10 Tips For Decluttering Your Home, Simply
Decluttering is something we all dread, however, it is a necessary part of living comfortably. If you stay on top of the decluttering process it will be easier to get ready to sell your home, should you ever need to.
10 Reasons Why You Should Declutter Your Home This Fall!
Decluttering is something we all dread, however, it is a necessary part of the moving process. If you stay on top of the decluttering process it will be easier to prep and stage your home for showings! These creative tips will help you to declutter your home, simply. 1. Work in 15 minute increments. If you find yourself weighed down by the idea of decluttering your home for an entire day or weekend, try a 15 minute schedule. The short time frame makes it simple to stick with long term, even for the busiest people. 2. Say goodbye to guilt. It is common for people to feel guilty for getting rid of items they no longer need or want. Avoid feeling guilty about “wasting” your stuff by donating items to a local thrift store, women’s shelter or homeless shelter. Giving back is a great way to see the positive in your decluttering efforts. 3. Add decluttering to your to do list. To hold yourself accountable to completing the decluttering process, add it to your ongoing to do list. This will help you to stay on track with what needs to get done. 4. Declutter rooms in sections. Start at the door and work your way toward the centre of the room. Continue with your efforts until you reach the opposite side of the room. This will make decluttering feel like a process broken down into steps and decrease any feeling of overwhelm. 5. Start and finish your decluttering efforts in one room before beginning another. This includes closets, dressers, desks, etc. 6. Minimize your storage space. Keeping storage space to a minimum will give you less space to fill with more stuff once you have removed excess items from your home. 7. Follow the 6-month rule when purging your closet and dresser. If you haven’t worn clothing for more than 6 months add it to your box of donations. 8. Ask for help. Outside sources have no emotional attachment to any of your items and can help your make decisions when items fall into a grey area. 9. Create a designated space for mail and other papers. A junk drawer or a filing system needs to be in place in every home to cut down on the clutter caused by incoming mail. 10. Make it a family affair. Working together on organizing your home is a great way to bond with your spouse or children and a joint effort will ensure the habit sticks. After purging the clutter, you may be shocked to see how much room you have and how many fewer things you need to pack. Looking for support with an upcoming move? Let us do the heavy lifting!
5 Tips for Decluttering Your Home
Often we accumulate an excess of things without even realizing it because, at the time, it’s just a “must-have” cute sweater, or a birthday gift from a friend, or a new innovative tech gadget that we have to have. Unfortunately, that sweater enters a closet filled with old “must-have” clothes, and that old tech gadget too often gets tossed in a drawer to be dealt with later. Before you know it, your home is overrun with stuff you don’t need, and the thought of decluttering can feel completely overwhelming. Following these five tips for decluttering can help you know where to start and help you get your space to a place that gives you peace, not overwhelming anxiety. If You Don’t Use it, Get Rid of it! We all have things in our homes that we don’t use; it’s inevitable. Often those unneeded things linger around much longer than they should; It’s easy to forget about them or tell ourselves that we may use them “someday” and store them even longer. In the end, causing ourselves countless hours of wasted time organizing items we don’t need and taking up valuable space in our home to store them, this seems like a lose-lose to me. One of my favorite ways to start decluttering any space is with the “Four-Box method.” To complete this method, you will need four boxes, and you will need to label them: Trash, Give Away, Keep, or Re-locate. Picking one room at a time, you can place all the items from this room into one of the four boxes. Try not to leave any item out, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. You may be shocked how quickly you can cut down the amount of stuff in your home. Make Sure That Everything Has a Place If something doesn’t have a home, it’s time to either make it a home or get rid of it! This theory is arguably one of the best decluttering tools to refer back to as often as possible. Clutter is usually caused by a failure to return things to where they belong; If that thing doesn’t have a home and you can’t discard it, then it will always be out of place and cluttering up your space. Pantry Decluttering If you’re not sure where to start, the pantry is always a great choice. Pull all the contents of the pantry out so that you are starting fresh. Make sure to remove and throw out any expired items. Then set aside any unwanted items to donate to your local food bank or someone you know in need. Once you have cleared out all unwanted items and wiped down your shelves, it’s time to put the remaining items back into the pantry. By decluttering the things that have expired or that you won’t use, you can maximize the space that you do have. You will want to group similar items together by type, making them easier to find in the future and make sure you put your foods that will expire earliest at the front. You can also utilize many different storage options when it comes to your pantry. Wire shelving can help you use vertical space, or wall hooks can help maximize wall space. This task does not have to be done all at one time. You can always tackle it one shelf at a time if you work better in shorter intervals. Try the Box in, Box out or Tape Methods As already suggested above, the beginning process of all spaces should be similar, doing a sweep and donating, selling, or throwing out any items that you already know you don’t use. With the “box in, box out” method, once you have removed all unwanted items, place the utensils remaining in your kitchen into a box and decide on a time frame. When I used this method in my home, I decided on a one-month time frame; If I didn’t use it in a month, I didn’t need it. (This timeline may vary for you depending on how often you’re actively using your kitchen.) At the end of the month, I donated all the remaining utensils in the box, minus a couple of seasonal items that I knew I would need come turkey time, of course! I have also tried the tape method in other areas of my home, and I loved the result. With the tape method, you will place a small piece of masking tape on each item and only remove the tape when you use the item. At the end of the month (or whatever time frame you established for yourself), anything that still has tape attached can be donated or thrown out. Managing Your Overloaded Closet We should treat our closet like any other space; Your first step should always be to remove things you know you don’t want. Once you have removed these items, you can move on and try the hanger trick! A method similar to the box and tape methods, just this time, you’re using hangers to help narrow down the clothes you don’t wear. Turn all your clothes hanging in your closet around so that the hangers are facing back-to-front. For the next six months, when you wear an item of clothing, return it to the closet with the hanger facing the correct way. You should consider donating any clothing on hangers that are still hung back-to-front at the end of six months since if you haven’t worn them. Decluttering can take some time. We don’t generally accumulate all this excess stuff overnight. So we shouldn’t expect to get rid of it overnight either. If you have items that don’t have a place in your home but you’re not ready to get rid of yet, feel free to contact our friends at Crate It Storage to help you find a storage solution that works for you!